A blackbird, the last one left in the nest, the other two have flown, I discovered this nest last week quite accidently, I opened a window in a house I was helping someone clear for rennovation and there it was, in a pot hanging on a trellis beneath the window about an arms length from me. I finally managed to get back there today with my camera , with an almost dead battery, I didnt set my camera up, I was in a rush and was trying to stop an excited child leaning too far out of the window, so consequently the quality is crap, it looks like my iphone photos do.
Been a lovely hot day today, i have been rushing about all over the place today and am exhausted having biked long distances. time to relax finally !
- 0
- 0
- Nikon D50
- 1/50
- f/5.6
- 200mm
- 1600
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