Gable Erratic

By MsGable


An early blip for me but I don't think I will have any other opportunities today. I woke in agony at 2:15am and thought I must have trapped a nerve in my neck. Even the slightest move made me gasp in pain. G, woken by said gasps fetched me some Ibuprofen, but for most of the night I lay there, wide awake and in agony.

By good fortune I already had an appointment at the surgery this morning so G drove me in, after he washed my feet (I felt quite holy), finished dressing me, and did various other things I was unable to do for myself.

It appears that I have Wryneck, a muscle spasm in my neck, which has spread to my right arm (ho, hum, I'm right-handed). Now a Wryneck is one bird G the Twitcher and I have always wanted to see but never have. Well blow me down with a feather, I've got one sitting on my shoulders right now! Hope it flys away soon though because it's darned painful.

And no chance of resting at home with my pills and hot water bottle (in this heat I ask you!) because I have a huge job to run with a deadline tomorrow afternoon, on software no one else in the office knows how to use.

The good news though is that my appraisal went well; no pay rises this year, recession etc, but a very nice bonus for the work I put in at year end. Thank you boss, and now I know it was appreciated and worth all that pressure. Cheers.

Hope you all have a good day too, but less painful.

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