
By disdatdudda

time to let go and change...

(but...what? and...how?)

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."
Lao Tzu

(hmm...but what am i...?)

"Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values."
Dalai Lama

(ta, Dalai? i'll keep this in mind...)

"Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties."
Erich Fromm

(perhaps i should let go of colour and try more B&W?...this is my first sheepish attempt following Blob's brave example in "challenging our certainties"...so a black & white subject in glorious colour!? it's a start...)

"Just remember, when you should grab something, grab it; when you should let go, let go".

"Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to."

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