Christine's Photospace

By ceckel

Spring harvest

Friday night I left work in Lewisburg late, and headed to Roanoke to visit Travis in Roanoke/Montvale. When I finally arrived, as I drove up the rocky, dirt road toward his house I was reminded of the dirt road I once took to get to my own home in Montana as a teenager, which made me happy.

Last week the hay in this field had been cut, and this week it had been baled. I could not help but stop along the road to his house and take a photograph of the hay bales in the evening light. I was (as usual) too exhausted to really think about composing a good photograph. Luckily, with beautiful fields in the foreground, and beautiful hills in the background, it was difficult not to take a decent photograph to capture the beauty no matter what the camera, the photographer, or other.

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