The eye of Dunwood

(formerly Hebdon!)

Almost as terrifying as the Eye of Sauron.

Yes, I CAN see you at the back of the classroom.

Yes I DO know that you aren't working as hard as you could be.

How do I know?


Oh yes, and I HEAR everything too.

Even when you mutter really quietly under your breath, like a gibbering old drunk at a railway station. Or when you think you are being DEAD SUBTLE with your packet of crisps in your pocket, or the sweets that need unwrapping. I can hear it rustling. Like a hedgehog in the undergrowth. Rustle Rustle. It's so obvious - I don't tell you off straightaway sometimes, just so I can quietly watch you trying to be sneaky, and just so that you think you MIGHT have got away with it...teehee!


It's annoying. I'm annoying. Teachers are annoying. Parents are annoying. That's life. You'll thank us for it one day. You think we are annoying. We are. That's because adults are the arch enemies of teenagers. Because we know something you don't know.



Not fair?

No, life's not fair.

Get used to it.

Then it won't be so much of a disappointment to you.

In the words of the Rolling Stones...

"You can't always get what you want".

Youth - the oldies will prevail.

Yes indeedy.

Off for a cuppa now.

Cracking sunset for the Solstice. Frankly though, I couldn't be arsed going for a drive to try and capture it.

Tried to poke my eye out with my finger and scratch my eyeball with the lens on the camera which I forgot might MOVE when I put it right up close with a macro thingy on it.


Go and see Corin the Roman, Bendy Boy and "The Boss". Father's Day pics here

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