Wewelsburg Castle

Wewelsburg castle was first built in the early 1600's. It was acquired by Heinrich Himmler for the token sum of one Reichsmark per year in 1934. He harboured ambitions of transforming the area into the centre of the Nazi world with the castle as it's spiritual epicentre. From 1936 onwards the castle's main purpose was to become a 'cult centre' as well a prestigious location for SS Generals. From 1940 ambitious plans were developed, incorporating the village of Wewelsburg, for a new and enormous complex centered around the North Tower of the castle. For this, Niederhagen concentration camp was built near to Wewelsburg. Of the 3900 prisoners set to work on Wewelsburg at least 1285 died. Two days before the US forces liberated the area (2nd april 1945), a special commando of the SS blew up the castle. Rebuilding began in 1949 and it was finished in 1979.

Spent a great day shooting the castle and the museum today. You can catch up with my recent blips here and just scroll forward.

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