La Palma, Canary Islands

By mojorojo


We went on a walk today, on part of the GR130 which runs right around the island. The whole walk is roughly 155 km long and takes 8 days - or longer - to walk. We call it the Palmathon. A lot of it is quite mountainous, especially in the north so it can be very hard going. That's why we are taking our time. 8 years and counting.
But today was a baby walk from a place called Las Tricias to Puntagorda. I took 81 photos which is often an indication of how much we like a walk or not (although that number was rather swelled by taking photos of some baby lambs and cows in a field ...).
Out of all of them, I chose this photo in Puntagorda's town centre because I really like the contrast of a modern construction with the mountains in the background.

You can find photos of other walks on my blog

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