Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Rye Meads

Went to our local RSPB reserve with the thought of seeing a few warblers and the kingfishers which are currently incubating their second brood. We're not that good on warblers even though we got fleeting glimpses of a few there were no positive IDs. Kingfishers however are another kettle of fish, no problem in identifying them and when you know where they're nesting it's just a case of sitting and waiting.

Well after two hours of waiting the best we'd got was the above Woodpigeon using the kingfisher's perch to get a drink and to make matters worse Mrs L dropped her camera and it seems to be terminal - not the best way to celebrate our wedding anniversary!

We'll return when the kingfishers are feeding their brood and there should be a little bit more coming and going.

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