Pixel Art

By pixelart

VIBGYOR, Can you see it all?

A dull Sunday, as it was raining through out the day again. Woke up late and the laziness continued through out the day. I like such lazy Sundays for the fact that I can 'really feel' the weekend moving slowly :)

In the afternoon, it was heavily raining and the sun was out at the same time. I realized, its rainbow time!! I quickly grabbed my camera & umbrella and ran upstairs. My guess was right. There was a huge rainbow stretching from one side of the city to other, in its fullest glory! Since the sun was pretty much out, the rainbow and colors were clearly visible. My friend who was with me, suddenly realized he has never seen a rainbow before in reality ! He has always seen it only in Television :) lol. He quickly verified if all VIBGYOR colors are visible. Indeed it was!!

The day ended with a wonderful dinner! How was your weekend?

PS: I am back-blipping for the last couple of days due to frequent powercuts!

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