I had three different chances to take pictures today. The other two were near-misses, maybe worth revisiting again. This, though, was just some great light/color that I saw outside, and very much worthy of a blip and not much else. If you're wondering what's "close" about this, well, it's the focus of course! I think I focused the lens at minimum, which is about half a meter.
I'm vaguely considering now trying a monthly theme of out of focus color studies...not sure if I could take it. I'm having plenty of trouble making it through a month of closeness without resorting to ... well, I don't really want to talk about it. But believe me, you've seen it plenty of times before. :)
In response to Stevie's talkboxing from yesterday, here's a young, kinda geeky white guy who does a really good job. In even whiter news, these polish pop stars do not quite have me convinced that the subject of the song is even likely to cause an allergic reaction.
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