No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella


Today the whole family went to vik & Chaos Daddy's house for Chaos Daddy's 40th Birthday Barbeque! What a fantastic day for it. Sunny and hot and poor old NotNigella ended up with burnt shoulders... :-)

Wee D started off a bit grumpy & clingy but a burger and a Fab ice-lolly later he came out of his shell big-style and was charming all the girls! Wee C soon made some new friends too and had an absolute ball.

The Chaos family gave wee C a Hannah Montana two-wheeled big-girl's scooter for her birthday (we haven't seen them since before her birthday) while we were there and now vik has been elevated to goddess level for knowing exactly what wee C wanted most in the world! Well done, vik!

Great time had by all, and Chaos Daddy put on an amazing barbeque as always - he truly earns his nickname of Barbeque King.

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