Horrible day

For the first time in ages, even years, I had something to drink yesterday. We had a nice time with some friends yesterday, at the local pub. It was such a great time and when we came home we watched the last of the royal wedding.

I thought i would sleep for so long but i woke up before 7. Felt ill, stomach pain.. It is not worth having some beers if I feel like this the day after. I have been laying down in the sofa most of the day, feeling sad for myself (haha). I even wished I could shrink myself so no one would be able to see me.

Well, finally outside I realized my beautiful hubby cleaning outside and i saw he had put this little troll or old lady or whatever it is on an old iron stove we have on our porch and i felt, YES, she is what i want to be today... What if i could be a little old troll, so happy for just one day. It looks like she has no problem at all, in the entire world. She looks so comfortable just sitting there, doing her thing.

Well, I better go outside and hug a tree so i will have some of my energy back.

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