Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Toy Story 3

Tonight was the international premiere of Toy Story at the Edinburgh Film Festival. I have been looking forward to it for months and was very excited. Then I developed an awful migraine yesterday which has put a bit of a dampner on things.

Unfortunately it meant I had to miss today's Blipmeet at the beach so I could sleep and rest up for tonight. I understand A had a good day though. :)

Toy Story was absolutely fantastic. They had Jessie and Woody outside the cinema meeting people and my dad saw Sean Connery getting his photos taken with them. Inside the film was presented by someone from the EIFF and two of the team who produced the film did a small speech - including a little teaser of the next Pixar movie which is set in Scotland. I had done some research on it already (being a total Disney fanatic) and it looks perfect. Might be a new favourite. ;)

The film itself was excellent - very very well done and beaten in the Pixar franchise by only Toy Story and Wall-E (which is by far my favourite). The short at the beginning was very different to any of the ones that have come before but was easily my favourite. It was intelligent, cute and unique. The film itself touched on lots of issues and, as always for Pixar, appealled equally to both adults and children.

Had a great night and it's made me excited to go see Patrick Stewart on Monday evening. :)

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