Three Bridges

On the train, passing through Newcastle on the way to Bridlington in Yorkshire for the weekend. The routed us in a strange way: Edinburgh to Doncaster, Doncaster to Bridlington. This meant we went way further south then crawled back round the coast, reversing the direction of travel after going into Hull station. The return journey on Sunday will involve one more change but is more direct.

We're here for a friend's wedding - should be a lot of fun! Found a hotel with free wifi conection - the number one prioity these days ;-) After checking in we strolled into town and found the pub with the worst karaoe ever - but hey, who cares, Old Speckled Hen was only £2.50 a pint!

Off for a wander round the town this morning (the wedding is at 3pm). Need to buy a wedding card as the excellent one I have was left at home.

PS Is that a fourth bridge in the background?

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