Pob's World

By Pobsworld

It's another big 'un!

Back on the Star Ferry this morning. This is definitely the way to travel to work, as many Hong Kong people do, quick, efficient and relaxing on an old time ferry manned by a crew wearing traditional navy blue sailor uniforms. I'm very very impressed with every aspect of transport here, from the ferry and MTR underground, to the trains, trams and buses. All run fantastically well and are incredibly clean and safe. In fact, Hong Kong is one of the cleanest and safest cities I have ever visited, they should be very proud.

Anyway - over to Central Bus station to catch a bus to Stanley which is a peninsula over on the far side of Hong Kong Island. We passed the IFC (International Finance Centre) I love this building, it looks like a giant electric shaver and has a mini version next door. My sister hated it though and was sick of me taking pics of it by the end of the week!)

After a very long hour and a half of searching fruitlessly in 95 degree heat, we finally found the bus stop for the Stanley bus. Thankfully the bus was air conditioned and the journey was long enough to allow us to cool off.
Arriving in Stanley, we wandered through the market (no purchases again!) then on to a lovely cafe with very odd taste in music (Lloyd Cole, The Primitives, the Cure and many other obscure, but good 80's stuff!)
After lunch we headed over to Murray House (which reminded me a bit too much of work!) Murray House in Stanley hosts a Maritime museum which we didn't venture into, but is a lovely building sitting on the pier.
Next we visited a temple, then wandered along the front before getting the bus back to town.
Over to Hong Kong by ferry again, for an amazing Egyptian meal at a restaurant called Habibi. Food and wine were fantastic and there was even a belly dancer, much to the embarrassment and bemusement of most diners. Some were so embarrassed that they actually left without finishing their food. I guess each nation has their own reserves - ours is bartering, theirs is jiggling women!

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