Get Out ..... NOW

Daughter is past her due date and she is fed up.

So we took her out today.
I drove over the bumpy roads and hills (no joy) to LINLITHGOW to go for a walk.
But before we did that we bought some cupcakes in a very nice cake shop that does some great CAKE TOPPINGS.

We walked past the DOWDY LOOKING DUCKS, the COLOURFUL DUCKS, the GEESE with the BRIGHT BLUE EYES and the SWANS with the WRINKLY KNEES before coming to the swings.

Maybe a GO ON THE SWINGS would start things off.

She GAVE it LALDY and seemed to ENJOY IT ........ but it didn't start labour.

Neither did the TREE CLIMBING.

So we then took her over all the cobbles in South Queensferry (still nothing) and fed her HEAVY FOOD and ALCOHOL before heading home over speed bumps by the dozen.

Still nothing....................

What is it going to take to get this child to make an appearance? -- Dynamite?

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