Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

The Getty

I rolled down the soft green grassy bank trying to get the boys to follow suit, to learn how to roll. This is the spot where I found out via a call to my fertility Dr that I was, officially, pregnant with Reuben.

A glorious day in the sun, looking out over the Santa Monica Mountains decked by pink creeping bourgainvillea and marble from the Trevi Fountain quarry as I dined on a fiesta bowl whilst all around sipped crisp Sauvignon, the fresh apple scent of the wine in the air. The featured exhibition was Leonardo da Vinci and upon seeing a beautiful 7ft bronze male, Callum remarked "Mama". The desert garden, the central garden and the sculpture garden, all an arresting, sumptuous feasts for the senses. The boys poking their faces at diners through these huge walls of glass. This is LA.

Canon's flat out exhausted and in for service in prep for the big wedding shoot Friday of Carolyn & Bryan. So I'll be filling in a few days with some video snaps and a bit of backblipping. PS I'm a bit rusty when it comes to snaps so pls bear with me. The image size is so small to work with.

A busy few days behind us in and amongst the World Cup matches. A trip to Sea World in San Diego will be backblipped.

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