catch me i'm falling

By makeupyourmind

i wanna go crazy, i wanna go

[backblip] 2nd day of orientation!

met more people! retained names! small world, i met a guy who is the ex-boyfriend of a friend of mine who i competed against in forensics. weird.

the evening was super fun. i met up with an old friend for dinner who gave me some good advice for the future. then after choosing my new classes i met up with another friend and we played pool and just generally hung out around the city. after some running around to find people, i went back and then hung out in the lounge with other orientators. which isn't a word.

the photo is of the union building which we played pool in.

anyway. it was a late (4 am!) and crazy fun night :)

title; i wanna go crazy - david guetta ft.

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