Resonate - for fun

By Generate13

Early rise!

...for the sun rise! However where I was when the sun did rise had the view of meadowbank stadium lights etc which I think ruined the picture (I was walking up the Crags path). Next time I'll go to another part of Arthur's seat.

Getting up at 3.50am was definately worth it! So bright! Yet no one else about, and just nature! Never seen so many well at first seagulls that were feeding on holyrood park grass, then rabbits! So many more rabbits about when the avid walkers and tourists are :) Also got a poor shot of two magpies together I still love it tho.

This Photo was taken at 5am! Where I'd been sitting trying to sketch this very view... Probably the worst sketch of Edinburgh, but I still love it :)

I decided I'd do this because I got some new yesterday that scared me alittle, abnormal cells test result, but only minor. I still freaked abit, but calmed when apparently 1/20 people get this result...just got to go back for more tests in 6 months...

Anyway such a great experience, will have to do it again soon :)

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