
By dorrit

Let the Games Begin!

One Thousand Four hundred athletes marched through the "Walk of Honor" made up of hundreds of police officers from all over Southern California. By the looks on the faces of the officers, they were getting as much out of this experience as the athletes did!

The athlete carrying the torch and following behind the motorcycle escort and the kilted bagpipers, lit the torch and Rafer Johnson, a former gold medal decatlon winner and the man who, himself, carried the torch in the 1984 Olympic Games stepped up to the microphone and shouted "Let the Games Begin!" And begin they did!

It was a wonderful day. Rachel won a silver and a bronze medal in swimming competition. She is in this picture right after #2 !

Saturday night we had the pleasure (thanks to my wonderful sis-in-law) to meet two very close friends for the very first time! See Orygonhomeboy's journal for that!

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