Cattle Egrets

These guys were walking around the backyard this afternoon. I have to tell you my spirit is diminished for taking photos outside right now as it's about 98F and the sweat just pours off you. I'm either going to have to go out early early, like 5:30am or late 9:00pm. or find something to photograph inside. Miserable heat. Can't ever be happy, I complain when it's too cold and I complain when it's too hot. I'll get over it.

Monday went fairly smoothly today. Have lots to do to start off my Tuesday. Most of the big Construction Contractors are now asking for Prequalifications to be filled out before they will even let you bid on a project and they are detailed forms. They want financials and your OSHA safety numbers and projects you have going on and projects you have finished and at what contract amounts. Hours worked and on and on - so I've been putting a notebook together with all this information so when these come in it won't be so difficult to get all the information I need to send them out and be able to qualify. I have about 5 sitting on my desk for in the morning. It will make the day go fast.

Have a good one!!

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