Wayside flower
The journey home, and all a bit dull. Restless and fidgety and that was me, not the children, they were wonderful. I am so proud of them for how well they have coped with all the travelling.
We stayed in a Travelinn-lodge-type-thing in Darlington last night. The children were both wide awake at midnight. Mr Pink and I did not want to be! Master Pink went to sleep dreaming of bacon again, and baby Pink went to sleep wondering where on earth she was now!
We woke this morning to rain, filled ourselves up on all-you-can-eat-for-the-rest-of-the-day breakfast and then got back onto the road passing the Brick Train
We stopped a couple of times, to refresh ourselves and stretch, and put another wiggles DVD on! I spotted this little flower, which I assume is a wild flower version of an Orchid. I thought she was very pretty.
We were welcomed back by our lovely neighbours, standing on the drive, waving.
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