an image of teamdel

By teamdel


Things are still mad here. Toddler now has a cold which has also been passed on to the new baby who still has the pox and still spends all available time screaming at us.

Luckily for us, Granny took the 5 hour train journey from York to Portsmouth at the drop of a hat, to help us out, as she could see the cloud of madness that was engulfing us.

As you can see Granny is quite the multitasker, which has given us some much needed support and some brief respite from some of the screams.

I say some of the screams, because the new baby just does not really stop. Sometimes I think the only way it is going to stop is when he succeeds in deafening us all and even then he will not stop, we shall just not be able to hear him.

She may not fly or have x-ray vision but she is without doubt supergranny!

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