With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Over exposed

I over did it a little last night and stayed out too late after the football. My sister in law took the boys home and Agu and I took a rare opportunity to wander around the Port of Soller. I felt a bit old to be honest, apart from when I dipped my toes in the sea. I nearly went rushing in up to my waist...

And because I was out late, I forgot to take my tablets properly and I was in a right old state this morning, tired and with horrid cramps. So when we got to Jenny's fabulous house in Fornalutx for a party for her daughter, it was fantastic to sit under the trees, with grass beneath our feet, chatting and eating whilst the children dive bombed us from the pool. Thank you Jenny, I so enjoyed today. It was lovely to meet Jules aswell. Look out salsa clubs within radar distance!

I recharged slowly as the day wore on. Agu took Ben to a football team party in another house with a pool. Ben must be well chlorinated by now! They all got back late and are sleeping like logs.

A busy week lies ahead....

I had a bit of a problem with the camera as I'd left it on a low light setting last night and the battery was so low I couldn't change it. Duh, automatic setting was useful, but I'd missed some great shots. I got some interesting effects though, trying to rebalance the exposure. Maybe I'll put them somewhere else if I recharge enough.

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