Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom

Keep with care.

This tiny little photograph album is great. A small present Adam got me when he returned a few months back. I plan to put my bcot portrait series in it. I want to forever remember the amazing friends I've met this year. I say 'I love my bcot-folk' an awful lot, but I could easily say it a lot more. With my mates around me disappearing off places this year, it's been so nice to have such a great group of friends at college to keep me amused, and the share the time with.

It literally (well, not literally) kills me to think I'm not going to spend my weekdays with them at college anymore. I could do this whole year again happily. Again and again and again. If I'm ever in a bad mood, I just remind myself of this and it's surprising how much it helps.

Today, I really should've reminded myself of bcot. Today I really needed cheering up. Now I'm better. Now that I remember the amazing people I get to see tomorrow, I'm smiling.

Guess what?

I love my bcot-folk.

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