And I'm Glad You Feel the Same...
Do you believe in reincarnation?
I think there is something to it. When I am low down in the grass like this, with my face brushing off the stalks of grass, and I'm down close to the earth, there is a familiarity about it that I can't quite explain.
I'm quite sure as a child my mother never left me face down in the grass for any great length of time, and almost positive she never did this in the winter. But I have that feeling of recognition, when I am down there. The feeling isn't quite as stong when it's like this - It's more a colder feeling.
There were snowdrops in the office in March, and I sat with my head on the counter for quite a while with my head in amongst the greenery. I felt quite at home, peering out through the leaves and out into the garden beyong the window.
My feeling is, I was a little creature. I used to think I worm, or a slug. But the more I think about the feeling, the more I'm thinking furry face. Maybe a wee mouse or something similar.
My dad, of course, as I have mentioned has already been reincarnated as a falcon type buzzard. I see him some days, not so often right now - but if I'm in the car, he's usually sitting on a fence, waiting for me to go by, just to let me know he is watching and about.
Oh one other thing. I know I'm completely mad, but better to acknowledge this and embrace it and let the rest of the world enjoy it too!
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