horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Ugly Ducklings

Other possibles:

Cygnet Ministry of Funny Walks
Puffed Dunnock (proving sometimes the best wildlife shots are just in your back garden)

Couple of days working in the garden punctuated by football - I've got plenty to write on the subjects of 'Hate the commentator, not the team' and the concept of free will in Christian belief and the illogical contradiction of then trying to convert people to your belief system which in effect means you are trying to usurp the consideration of god... But I'm a bit shattered, and I've got to go and make some pasta (fortunately the dough was the second half of a load made a while back then frozen, so shouldn't take long to make the ravioli).

Oh, and first attempt at a rye sourdough, having created my own sourdough starter over the last 5 days, worked pretty damned well - I've had a bit of a 'guru' bread book for a while now, after Mel bought it for me for one Christmas, t'was about time I started using it.

p.s. if you enjoy watching the world cup I can confirm that the enjoyment is increased largenumberfold by watching without the sound on. Don't have to put up with mindless nonsensical wittering, nor the vuvuzelas in the background.

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