Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Morningside, Ballyholme

This is one of my favourite places. I "escape" to here with the Sunday paper whenever I get a chance and having been doing so on Sunday afternoons since we got married in 1986. When all three kids were babies/toddlers, I'd drive them around Bangor in their car seat until they nodded off and quietly park up for an hour while they slept, gingerly turning the pages trying not to waken whichever one was with me.
This street is called Morningside and is about half a mile from where we live. It's very close to a area called Baylands, where, in the mid-Sixties, a well-off aunt rented a house for the summer and we trekked down from Belfast in my Dad's Ford Anglia to visit. The wide streets, the individual architecture and the many and varied trees, especially the palm trees, evoke that 1960s memory very strongly.
That and the cries of seagulls give this place a seaside postcard feel. *When* my numbers finally come up, guess where I'll be buying a house?

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