This day

By snapper

Music maistro please!

Most of today was spent listening to 2/4 & 4/4 reels etc till my ears bled

Was auditioning youngsters for the Argyll Ceilidh Trail. To be fair they were all excellent so we decided to take them all! My only worry is that two accordions may drown the rest out! Hope they all come after agreeing to do the training etc.

The remainder of the afternoon was spent in the pleasant company of a fellow blipper, my first ever meeting with another blipper. Good Comapny , good conversation and I hope a lasting friendship

Home to find visitors in the house which greatly pleased me as it gave the perfect excuse for getting out of my dress prediciment! Hee hee, didnt have to go after all as guests didnt leave till near 11.

And so to bed well in a bit as we have an eraly start to go down to the big smokke tomorrow to collect #1 daughters wee car for her and I want to see some of the West End festival. Hear there was a big fire in the West End too at the old Notre Dame Convent school downahill, my old stomping ground though not old school.

Good night all blippers

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