Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Gala Day

Once a year the village holds a gala, complete with gala queen and king. Its a very social affair and one of the few times of the year when everyone emerges from their houses and gets together. There are football matches, races, including the infamous "hill race" along with the usual stalls, coconut shies, face painting and of course the beer tent

Over the years there have been a few unusual events or entertainers - belly dancers (in Fife, in the rain), the parade of Honda Goldwings (a bit surreal) and today's treat was a spot of duck herding! Which both Poppy and Oscar found interesting for different reasons!

Jake and his team were in the final of the juniors 5 a side and his twam, the Black and White Dynamites won :-) He also managed the hill race.

On display was this World War II coventry Climax fire pump, lovingly restored by it's owner. He kindly started it up for us to see how it worked, Despite its age the engine started first time and purred silently.

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