Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie

Fair is Fair

Gracie has always wanted a garden. A year or two ago she started planning it. She decided there was a perfect spot in the corner of the back yard for a garden. It was full of rocks and tarp and has horrible clay soil so it would need to be rototilled. Today was the big day; we drew straws to see who the lucky person that manned the rototiller would be. Well, Jack, that lucky boy drew "man in charge of rototiller." Who cares that he's only 4 and weighs 45 lbs. . .fair is fair! He didn't complain too much! Anyway, it all got tilled up and lots and lots of steer manure added. We'll see if Gracie can get it to produce a few vegies. It wasn't quite the "girls' tiller party" that we had planned with Carmen last summer. . .but it got the job done.

Today is Doug and my 15th anniversary. Gracie volunteered to watch the boys (Josie was at a water park with Vivianna) while we got a nice seafood dinner (withOUT) children plugging their noses at Buds (my kids absolutely detest the look and smell of seafood). The kids had pizza and flavored water and watched a movie that I had taped off of Disney channel. Gracie gave Jack a bath, got him jammied up, brushed his teeth and read stories. He was ready for bed when we arrived home. She's such a good helper!

Tomorrow Gracie is planning a small garage sale to earn some pocket change. Hopefully she will have a few customers. Tomorrow, Emily will be home from Mexico!! She called today very briefly and said they were back on US soil and heading for a church near San Diego to spend the night. We've missed her so much!

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