Up North

By Carwij



I like to think of these two as brothers, I donn't know if they really are. These two boys defend the poor lady duck that, untill yesterday, was hiding in my front yard. Yesterday evening when they were making a short walk, she was kidnapped by this crazy woman that lives in the same street as me. My neighbour witnessed it and came to me when I was calling her for dinner. I saw the two boys very agitated, they were calling for her to.
I went to the womans house and she told me that she was not letting the duck out (she was inside the house, locked away in the shower!). She claimed the the poor girl needed some rest and time to heal. I told her that she was healing pretty well in my front yard and that her mates did a great job protecting her from male duck rapists. The wound in her neck was almost completely covered with new growing feathers. There was no way I could bring her to sense.
I went home without Mrs. Duck, feeling very frustrated leaving her with that woman. A wild Duck doesn't belong in a shower in a house with three cats, two dogs and three little children that pet her.

The boys keep searching for her, staying close to my house hoping for her to return.... snif.....

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