Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

The Howard Centre

Had a wee brush with authority today while taking photos inside The Howard Centre. Security guard approaches me "Hello sir are you alright there?" "Yep, I'm good thanks, how are you?" I respond. "Well actually sir you need management permission to take photos in here" "Okay and how do I obtain that" "You need to go to reception over there" "Can you take me there then please?" Scene moves onto management offices and the guard asking if there's anyone who can see me. Next scene in centre managers office where I explain who I am what I'm doing, ask if he's got internet, show him my blips (get a few extra viewings!). Next thing he's on his intercom informing security that the bloke in the orange T-shirt has his permission to take photos - all very civilised if probably a little unnecessary.

Coincidentally while researching yesterdays blip on Shredded Wheat I'd come across these guys and in particular this thread and while poking round their site found this pdf on photographers rights in the uk. Let's just say interesting and leave it there.

Back to The Howard Centre - Built in the 1980s, this is Welwyn Garden City's version of an indoor shopping mall. A modern version of Welwyn Stores - without the monopoly overtones. It is actually very clean and pleasant inside, it houses M&S one end & WH Smith & Boots at the other end with around 50 smaller stores in between most of which if not all of which you'd find in your own local town. So in other words there's no great draw to take you there, but while you're there it's not unpleasant, or at least as not unpleasant as it can be when you're out shopping.

I've already bemoaned the fact that we're so far down the line of having identical town centres full of identical retail outlets and having had these few days to explore Welwyn Garden for architectural interest and come up short, just basically finding a town centre full of red brick buildings it surprises me a little that when I feel the need to surmise here that I'll conclude by saying that as town centres goes it's not bad at all. The space and individuality given by the "Garden" raises it well above the average. Well done Sir Ebenezer Howard, almost 80 years on and your vision's still thriving.

So here endeth my series of Welwyn Garden blips. I don't need to return to the "big city" as my DVD collection is now complete and the seven DVDs courtesy of The Telegraph can be added to the pile of DVDs I'll get around to watching someday. Having rambled on in my 100th blip about being more creative and then immediately subjecting you to this series I promise to try and dig out my creative hat for a bit now.

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