A very juggling kind of day. Still not sure where (or when) all the balls will fall.
Car in at the garage, so lots of car/bus timetable/picking up kids timings fun to be had there. In at school setting up some eco schemes to run over the next year or so. The pupils are all mad keen to be involved, and we have four parents really keen to give time and expertise... but somehow the two did not meet. Nothing I like more than a challenge* which finally paid off today after 10 months of trying, and a mere 3 weeks before the end of term. Still, we have some good ideas for eco learning so I'm sure it'll be worth all the battling of authority in the end.
This evening the kids came with me to a Scottish Wildlife Trust talk on the reintroduction of beavers into Scotland. This was a birthday treat for Katherine (no ice skating parties for that girl) though with bad toothache she didn't get so much out of it as she might have. The picture is BB (it's a beaver, not a squirrel) bought in Canada many years ago. He has been a blipstar before but seemed like an appropriate (desperation) blip tonight. Interesting beaver fact (stop tittering at the back): the main cause of death for adult beavers in the wild is being struck by a tree they are felling.
BB's backdrop is the cotton fleecy stuff that I'm currently shredding to make a lovely soft non-allergenic cushion for my recently-discovered chemical sensitive husband (I mean, the allergy is recently discovered, not Mr B. Obviously.) Lots of sneezing. **
Thank you for the overwhelming cake advice yesterday. I'm torn, really I am. So many ideas. French flag is possibly winning just now (for ease of execution) though the last time I made a country flag cake the lady I made it for cried (Canadian - very emotional about home). I still have time for more thinking...
*apart from chocolate, wine gums, wine, a long hot bath and a good night's sleep.
** from me during construction of the pillow. Mr B just gets a swollen eye, which has defied medical science until he spotted that it swapped eyes depending which side he slept on.
EDIT: Magpie just reminded me about the wee cardi. Knitted by my mum. Who also knitted a hat for Conor's doggie which I'm going to put straight on the emergency blip list, you lucky lot.
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