Jeff Greene's Daily Photo

By JeffGreene

Busy Bee

Sometimes you just get lucky....

I was out walking the dog and passed by a large group of Lupine coming into full bloom about a mile from my house. At first I was concentrating on the light, which was perfect during a break in the rain, and then on grouping and composition.

I typically approach a scene by starting with wide shots, moving in a bit to capture a medium / normal view, and finally getting up close and personal with macro shots isolating the subject and capturing some detail.

It was at this last juncture that I noticed a fair number of bees working the blossoms and attempted to capture one up close. Unfortunately, I only brought along the Canon G11 which does great macro shots, but has a slight delay in the shutter release.

After dozens of attempts, fate smiled upon me just one time... I was fortunate to capture this pollen-laden bumble posing for me just as he was approaching the blossom.

Just one worker bee helping out another I guess...

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