Wonderful rain ...

Except for a few minutes of sun, we had overcast and rainy weather. By late this afternoon our rain meter had recorded 46mm of rain .... more than we have had for a year or longer.

Much more rain is needed to raise the level of the Garden Route Dam, but every drop that comes our way is welcome and counts.

Yesterday I noticed that the little black fig tree in the garden had mostly shed all of its leaves. It is winter, after all. Yet it was filled with new growth of small figs - confused by the long drought period, the moderate winter, who knows.

Our moderate winter temperatures are likely to be something of the past as with the rain came snow on the mountains. Fortunately not too close, yet the cold will will soon bear testimony of the truth.

Another cold front is on its way, and weathermen today said that next week's Fifa football matches in Bloemfotein will most likely be played in temperatures below 10 degrees.

Anybody who knows Bloemfontein will know what winter in the Free State feels like.
It cuts to the marrow.

Just for the Fifa Fans!

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