My Angle

By myangle


Well, the motorbike engine drama was solved quite easily. I noticed yesterday when the engine was making a horrible rattling noise that there was a piece of gasket sticking out of the magneto cover. I investigated further this morning and took the cover off. Sure enough, there was a loose bolt in there. It has obviously been loose for a while and yesterday must have finally worked its way out. I rummaged through my collection of nuts and bolts and found a temporary replacement. Next week I will order a new bolt and gasket from the bike shop. What a relief.

I decided to do a quick photo and get my blip done for the day. We are off to some friends this afternoon and I suspect anything I do later would be a bit nonsensical, if you catch my meaning. I really do need to pull my finger out and do some proper photography for my blip rather than whatever comes to hand. I promise to lift my game as of tomorrow.

Here is a really surreal blip I saw earlier today.

And if you like furry things look at this one.

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