Day In Day Out

By dayindayout


Alec left his carlights on last night. Battery dead. He had to leave it charging and take my car. I was left stranded in my little town. Usually I wander about and barely see anyone.
But now our little town has an allotment and it's getting busier and busier. I wandered there and found a couple with a friend and a granddaughter, busying themselves creating and adding to their plot. They were happy for me to shoot away and we chatted about allotments and all the different plots and stories and people.
I have a plot too, that I'm sharing with two friends, but I haven't had a chance to do anything to it yet, not even sure which one it is. I haven't a clue where to start, it looked like everyone knew what they were doing. Lots of people who grow things say they don't know what they are doing, but it's hardly ever true.
I love being at the allotment. I feel all wholesome and earthy, even though I've only ever hung about and touched some mud there once.
Everyone should hang about at an allotment. Weekly at least. It's good for you. You don't have to work, just watch the workers.

I'm talking too much...anyway, this little girl was a sweetheart, her dad takes lots of photographs apparently, so she's used to the camera. She just gets on and does her thing, staring occasionally.

3 or 4 other shots here

(it won't let me do a proper link)

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