*hannah's days*

By hannahkross

oh hai blipfoto...

I have kind of been ignoring it of late... been busy busy! Between going back to Edinburgh for grad ball, then getting an interview in Glasgow, and working lots here in Cheltenham, and my step-mum's mum dying suddenly, and getting a provisional first, and knitting, I haven't been putting an awful lot of importance on taking photos! But I will try and get back into it now.

Bought this wine last night when I got back to an empty flat (people I'm staying with went on holiday yest), was knackered after 5 trains, interview, lovely lunch with a couple of friends I unexpectedly bumped into, and a stop at the office on the way home... I don't drink much wine, I never know what I like, and generally just choose anything at random. And I always forget what I've tried and what I thought of it. So here, in very basic style, is the beginnings of my wine record. . . quite liked this - would buy it again. Very drinkable when it's properly cold, and not too bad after sitting out a while (I'm a slow drinker, especially when I'm distracted by tv!).

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