Plus ça change...

By SooB

Raining all the while...

The rain that began as I arrived back in Scotland on Sunday, hasn't let up. So to the inevitable drops of water on leaf blip. This is a broccoli leaf. I had a better shot - well, a better composition anyway. But the bad bokeh (doesn't that sound like a dog? "Bad Bokeh, get down boy") was irritating me in that one. It's less irritating in this one somehow. Still, tonight's escapade has given yet another fun story of my weirdness to my neighbours ("She was out photographing the broccoli tonight. With a flash gun!")

Most of today has been spent on an epic quest to source something for Mr B. It's a very special pillow for him. I'm being all casual with him like it'll just be a dead easy job, and as he doesn't read this he'll never know how I've toiled...

As you can tell by the nonsense rambling, it's a bit of a no news day.

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