Not A Raindrop!

I'm back to the Arum Lily again today, not Friday's, or Sunday's white ones, but a Yellow Zantedeschia plant I bought for the garden. They got lifted out of the minibus today as we unpacked.

The flowers were completely dry, rainwise, but each flower had a tiny sap droplet on the petal tip. (Probably more correctly a sepal tip, but you know what I mean - the big curved, coloured bit)

That was it, I couldn't let go of the desire to photograph one of the drops, Drat! I bumped the garden table they were standing on! I thought I'd lost them all, then I saw this one still hanging. Then, of course, because I was out Ali was out, up on the table wanting to rub up against everything the way cats do. Oooh, Ali, come down carefully away from my plant!

One wrong move by me and she would dart the wrong way through the plantpots!

She will get blipped again soon, when she doesn't have catfood all over her nose!

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