Ankerbrua statue

This bridge is close to where I work and featured in yesterday's photo in this journal, but I couldn't find out a great deal of information about the statues. I returned to try and find out the name of the sculptor, but couldn't see it on any of the works or plaques. I'll keep looking! Meanwhile I thought another picture of one of the four statues on Ankerbrua couldn't hurt. . .
PS - thanks to VirtualTourist I found out the story of the statues:
"Ankerbrua (Anker Bridge) is a stone bridge built in 1926. In 1937 sculptures inspired by scenes of fairytales made by Dyre Vaa were added to it. That made it be known as "Eventyrbrua" (Fairytale Bridge)."

By the way, I still can't find a way to broaden the depth of field on my Coolpix S220, and anything silhouetted against the sky gets a blurred purple or blue tinge - very frustrating and not something that used to happen with my older Coolpix model before it took a Coca-Cola bath (long story). Don't think I'd buy one again and I'm now saving for a better camera (though I'd rather travel with a bad camera than pay for a good camera and not travel, so it might be a little while before I upgrade).

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