Images to inspire

By kenwindsor

The pot of gold

Well, you will see many images taken from my window, as the nature of what I do at the moment means that there will be several days when I do not go out to take photographs, I just have to stay indoors and slave away at the keyboard.

However, there will not be many images beter than this one, taken at about 10.15am this morning - talk about the picture coming to me - it had to be one of the most wonderful sights I have ever seen.

The continued storms had produced a rainbow, in fact a double rainbow, with the clouds streaming upwards against a pitch black sky, creating an almost Northern lights effect. I must have shot at least 30 pictures in 2 or 3 minutes. What you see is exactly what I saw - no effects used.

Today is an exception, no story to tell, this one just needs to stand on it's own and be enjoyed for what it is - yes I am proud of it, but of course like most instances in photography it is all about being in the right place at the right time.

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