Netters and co

By Netters

life of grime

How I like her best, dirty ! chief allotmenteer.

"what are you blipping today mummy?" Freyas first question this morning, "Blip me doing a forward roll, watch, get your camera"

"Freya you are naked"

"Oh come on mummy, I am good at them, naked is ok I am at home"

Neddless to say we didnt blip a naked forward roller !

This was taken before dinner, she was about to take her socks off, I already had a blip today after a trip to the river with Freya, Charlie and Chelsea but I like this more.

Spag bol for dinner, which of course involved Freya doing impressions of the Ood , very funny.

Her badges read "spooky kid" and "what you looking at" she is a huge fan of slogan badges, "pull my finger" being her best one

THANK YOU so much for all the comments on yesterdays blip, I am very grateful !!

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