
By Tinks

I wanted to swear soooo loud you all could hear it

I've been feeling so down in the dumps recently and to top it off my car died today. Just like that.... the engine went.

I waited and waited and waited for ADAC (the German AA), when they turned up they told me they couldn't fix it and they must order a tow truck to take me to a garage. So I waited and waited and waited and Archie screamed and screamed and screamed and we waited some more. (At this point I would like to thank Jamie who came out and kept us company for some of the time, I'm sure it would have been unbearable without him).

The tow truck finally arrived and he took us and the car to the garage I normally go to. It took them about 5 minutes to tell me that the engine was knackered and there was no point in fixing it as the bill would come to more than what the car was worth! ARRRGGHH!!

So now I have no car! ARGGGHHH! I hate being immobile!

Well at least things can only get better!

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