Grandma's pictures

By FarawayGrandma

his geraniums

Years ago grandpa made friends with the young ladies living across the street from us. When they moved they gave him their potted geranium because it was too heavy to take with them. Ever since then I have bought him new geraniums to replace those that barely survived the winter.

This year the planter didn't survive either, so we got him a new planter.
Much discussion ensued about needing rocks for the bottom. (I love our discussions! :) we could steal them from my old neighbor's driveway? or..?)
Eventually, he lost patience waiting for me to assist, repotted the plants himself and, lo & behold, found rocks in the bottom of the old planter to use!

I love it when he remembers he can be independent and quite capable. and red geraniums are so pretty in our backyard.

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