a town called E.

By Eej


Last night a big storm hit the south of Michigan/north of Ohio. Around 11 we were under a tornado watch, and then upgraded to a tornado warning before midnight.
Now, I'm not used to severe weather so I was in a bit of a state*. We were already upstairs, but after the warning came on I suggested going downstairs. The Beloved was cool as a cucumber, I took my purse, camera and passport with me.
One of the cats is terrified of thunderstorms, so she was trying unsuccesfully to hide underneath my leg. If I could, I would have hidden underneath her :/

When our area showed only green on the Doppler radar (thank you, newschannel 3) we went upstairs again. No tornado here.
In Ohio 7 people were killed.
My thoughts go out to the people who lost a loved one there.

Today the clouds still looked menacing, but it was nice and cool outside so we went out for a bit. These sheep were happy to pose. I assumed anyway ;)
I hope they shave the big one soon, cos it's so heavy it had trouble bending down to eat. Being soaking wet (I guess) probably doesn't help either.

*In my defense, in september 2008 a tornado actually touched down in town. I was home alone and ... uhm ... not very pleased.

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