Out of shadows...

By RideFlame


3 plastic bags rolled very tight, surrounded by Sellotape, pushed inside a glass bottle.


In the 17th Century, a man called Guericke had a large sulphur ball inside a glass sphere which he used to prove...how the earth works. He rolled his sulphur glass ball around and created static electricity, which caused a feather to float as if the ball were the earth and the feather were the moon.

I was puzzled. What made Guericke use sulphur for his electricity experiment?

Did people think that the earth was largly made of sulphur?

Guericke was trying to replicate the earth by making 'a little earth' a collection of minerals in a ball of sulphur about a foot and a half in diameter -a Globus Mineralis- a terrella.

And when he rubber it 'it showed him the virtues of the earth; it felt warm and cracked, a feather could be made to hover (like the moon) above it, and when seen in the dark it glowed like powdered sugar...'

I don't have any sulphur...and I wish that the plastic bags, now so reduced would glow, but I'm not hopeful!

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