My Angle

By myangle

Printer (Frontend)

Whew! A bit rushed tonight...

I am extremely busy tonight so I will try and keep this short. As it is I am typing this up between tasks. I really should be pushing the blip aside for the night but somehow I cant let the side down.

So for Northern's benefit, this is the frontend of the printer with the backend of the printer. If you get my drift.
After the paper has been past all the units and is printed on, is deposited in a stack at the front of the printer. There is an infared drying unit to aid the drying of the ink on the paper. Most printed material is a little tacky as it comes off the printer. Depending on the ink weight, occasionally you can get set off which is when the wet ink from the front of a sheet is deposited on the back during printing. So, inks percentages are a very important consideration when setting out to print a job.

There are a number of ways to print. Work and turn, sheetwork, work and tumble and of course single sided. Most jobs will be printed one side, and then turned over and the other side printed. That means the paper has to go through the printer twice. It never ceases to amaze me how accurate these machines are. They will back up an A1 sheet of paper to within 10 th of a mm.

Not much more to say here. The printer operator will routinely pull a sheet from the pile and check the stability of the colour with a densitometer. Most printers will have a set of densities to work to. It is really a case of getting the colour bar along the top edge of the printed material correct and all else should fall into place.

Sorry about the rushed blip. Hope the text makes sense.

Tomorrow I will finish up my workplace tour with the bindery.

I almost forgot. I want to start adding a link as well. The Blackcountry Manhas shot one of my favourite vehicles.

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