All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The next level

Although Ethan still fits in the carrycot part of his pram, he is starting to get a bit bored with lying on his back looking at the sky! So as it was a glorious day today we decided to test out his pushchair! He's a wee bit small for it but was obviously comfortable enough when I walked down to Morrisons with him as he fell asleep in it! Makes me realise how quickly he's growing up now though, seeing him in the pushchair.

Later in the day, my brother-in-law invited us to gatecrash his cousins BBQ in Bathgate! I have to say she was really good about it and made us feel most welcome! Ethan got to meet his cousin-in-law for the first time too.

Have backblipped for yesterday too as been having internet problems so couldn't upload on the day.

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